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[See Database for most recent resources]


  • Intersections: Gender & Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific (link)

    • (Highly Recommended): "Placed at the junction of historical and contemporary concerns, Intersections will continue to emphasize the paramount importance of research into the multiple historical and cultural, gender, and sexuality patterns in Asian and the Pacific—patterns that are crucial for the understanding of contemporary globalized societies, where identities and social relations are constantly being negotiated against the background of dominant narratives."

  • LGBTQIA+ Documentaries (link)



  1. Barker, Meg-John, Alex Iantaffi, and C. N. Lester. 2019. Life isn't binary: on being both, beyond, and in-between.

  2. Baudinette, T. (2021). Regimes of desire: Young gay men, media, and masculinity in Tokyo.

  3. Baumann, Jason, editor. The Stonewall Reader. Penguin Books, 2019.

  4. Beard, Lisa. 2023. If We Were Kin: Race, Identification, and Intimate Political Appeals

  5. Butler, Judith. 2015. Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity.

  6. Decker, Julie Sondra. 2015. The invisible orientation: an introduction to asexuality.

  7. Doonan, Simon. 2019. Drag: the complete story.

  8. Halberstam, Jack. 2019. Female Masculinity.

  9. Halberstam, Judith, and Del LaGrace Volcano. 1999. The Drag king book. London: Serpent's Tail.

  10. Heller, Meredith. 2020. Queering Drag: redefining the discourse of gender-bending.

  11. Huba, Jackie, and Shelly Stewart Kronbergs. 2016. Fiercely You: Be Fabulous and Confident by Thinking Like a Drag Queen. Oakland: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

  12. Hugh, Ryan. 2019. When Brooklyn Was Queer.

  13. Mogul, Joey L., Andrea J. Ritchie, and Kay Whitlock. 2011. Queer (in)justice: the criminalization of LGBT people in the United States.

  14. Nanda, Serena. 2014. Gender Diversity: Crosscultural Variations.

  15. Oppenheimer, G. M. (1992) AIDS: The Making of a Chronic Disease.

  16. Potts, Morgan. 2019. The A-Z of gender and sexuality: from Ace to Ze.

  17. Puar, Jasbir K. 2018. Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times. Duke University Press.

  18. Riemer Matthew and Leighton Brown. 2019. We Are Everywhere: Protest Power and Pride in the History of Queer Liberation First ed. California: Ten Speed Press.

  19. Rimmerman, Craig A. (2008) The lesbian and gay movements: Assimilation or liberation?

  20. ed. Shawna Tang, Hendri Yulius Wijaya. 2022. Queer Southeast Asia.

  21. Silva, Tony J. 2021. Still Straight: Sexual Flexibility Among White Men in Rural America.

  22. Signorile, M. (2003). Queer in America: Sex, the Media, and the Closets of Power. Univ of Wisconsin Press.

  23. Snorton, C. Riley. 2018. Black on Both Sides: a Racial History of Trans Identity. University of Minnesota Press.

  24. Stryker, Susan. 2008. Transgender history. Berkeley, CA: Seal Press.

  25. Ward, Elizabeth Jane. 2015. Not Gay: Sex Between Straight White Men. New York: New York University Press.

  26. Wilchins, Riki Anne. 1997. Read my lips: sexual subversion and the end of gender. Ithaca, N.Y.: Firebrand Books.

  27. Ziv, Amalia. 2015. Explicit Utopias: Rewriting the Sexual in Women's Pornography. State University of New York Press, Albany.


(Need Help Accessing Articles? Google 'JStor' or 'Sci-Hub'!)

*Links provided whenever able (Hover over underlined portions)

  1. "A History of Leather at Pride: 1965-1995"

  2. Accented Cinema (2022) "Leslie Cheung & Hong Kong LGBT Cinema | Video Essay"

  3. Alexandre, Lily. (2022) "Why Is Queer Discourse So Toxic?"

  4. American Experience. "Why Did the Mafia Own the Bar?" PBS American Experience.

  5. Attwood, Feona, Clarissa Smith & Martin Barker (2021) "Engaging with pornography: an examination of women aged 18–26 as porn consumers", Feminist Media Studies, 21:2, 173-188

  6. Baker, Paul. 2003. "No effeminates please: a corpus-based analysis of masculinity via personal adverts in Gay News/Times 1973-2000". Sociological Review. 243.

  7. Bassi, Serena; LaFleur, Greta (2022) Introduction: TERFs, Gender-Critical Movements, and Postfascist Feminisms. TSQ 1 August 2022; 9 (3): 311–333.

  8. Bassi, Serena; LaFleur, Greta (2022) Introduction: Trans-Exclusionary Politics by Other Means. TSQ 1 August 2022; 9 (3): 460–462. doi

  9. Baudinette, Thomas. 2018 ‘Finding the Law’ through Creating and Consuming Gay Manga in Japan: From Heteronormativity to Queer Activism. Law and Justice in Japanese Popular Culture: From Crime Fighting Robots to Duelling Pocket Monsters .

  10. Bellamy, Walker Tat, "Not Manly Enough: Femmephobia’s Stinging Impact on the Transmasculine Community" (2019). CUNY Academic Works.

  11. Bellwether, M. (2013). Fucking trans women: A zine about the sex lives of trans women.

  12. Berrick, Genevieve. 2008. "Drag king: camp acts, queer bodies, desiring audiences". Traffic (Parkville, Vic). (10): 207-222.

  13. Blair, K. L., & Hoskin, R. A. (2018). "Transgender exclusion from the world of dating". Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 026540751877913. doi:10.1177/0265407518779139

  14. Blakemore, E. (2023, 1 June). What was the Stonewall Uprising? National Geographic.

  15. Brass, Perry (2016) The Black Panthers and the Gay Liberation Front: Did Black Lives Matter then, too?

  16. Burns, Katelyn. "The rise of anti-trans “radical” feminists, explained". Vox, September 5, 2019.

  17. Carland-Echavarria, Patrick. (2022) "We Do Not Live to Be Productive: LGBT Activism and the Politics of Productivity in Contemporary Japan". The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. Vol. 20: Issue 2: No 1.

  18. Carter, David. 'An Analytical Collation of Accounts and Documents Recorded in the Year 1969 Concerning the Stonewall Riots'

  19. Cervini, Eric. 2020 "Why We Owe LGBTQ+ Victories to an Early Trans Activist"

  20. Crimp, D. (1987). How to Have Promiscuity in an Epidemic. October, 43, 237–271.

  21. Dhoest, Alexander. 2020. "Homonationalism and Media." Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. 17 Dec. 2020.

  22. Driskill, Q.-L. (2019). All Power to the People: A Gay Liberation Triptych. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 6(2), 44–53.

  23. Elster, Mikey (2022) Insidious Concern: Trans Panic and the Limits of Care. TSQ 1 August 2022; 9 (3): 407–424

  24. Fairchild, Phaylen. "Why Are More Gay Men Turning On Transgender People?" Medium. Nov 5, 2018

  25. Feinberg, Leslie. 2020. Stone Butch Blues. Firebrand Books.

  26. Ferguson, Sian. Brito, Janet. What Does It Mean to Be Transmasculine? (2021)

  27. Fernández Romero, Francisco; Mendieta, Andrés (2022) Toward a Trans* Masculine Genealogy in South America. TSQ 1 August 2022; 9 (3): 524–534

  28. Gillespie, Claire. Schlanger, Lauren What Does It Mean To Identify as Transmasculine? (2023)

  29. Gioia, Christopher, 2016. Stonewall: Riot, Rebellion, Activism and Identity

  30. GLSEN. 2021 Policy Maps.” GLSEN, May 25, 2021.

  31. Gold, M. & Norman, D. M. (2019, 6 June). Stonewall Riot Apology: Police Actions Were ‘Wrong,’ Commissioner Admits. New York Times.

  32. Grace. (2018, 5 Jun). From the Archives: An interview with Lesbian Stonewall Veteran Stormé DeLarverie. Lesbian Nation LLC,

  33. Graham, Sadie. 2018. How Our Cultural Obsession With Platonic 'Girlfriends' Sidelines Queer Women. VICE. August 6, 2018.

  34. Gwenffrewi, Gina (2022) J. K. Rowling and the Echo Chamber of Secrets. TSQ 1 August 2022; 9 (3): 507–516

  35. Hale, Sadie E, and Tomás Ojeda. 2018. "Acceptable femininity? Gay male misogyny and the policing of queer femininities". European Journal of Women's Studies. 25 (3): 310-324.

  36. Hames-García, M. (2011) "Queer theory revisited" Gay Latino studies: A critical reader.

  37. Hoskin, Rhea. (2020). "Femininity? It's the Aesthetic of Subordination": Examining Femmephobia, the Gender Binary, and Experiences of Oppression Among Sexual and Gender Minorities". Archives of Sexual Behavior. 10.1007/s10508-020-01641-x.

  38. Hoskin, Rhea A. (2019). Femmephobia: The Role of Anti-Femininity and Gender Policing in LGBTQ+ People’s Experiences of Discrimination.” Sex Roles 81, 686–703 (2019).

  39. Hoskin, Rhea. (2017). "Femme Interventions and the Proper Feminist Subject: Critical Approaches to Decolonizing Western Feminist Pedagogies". Cogent Social Sciences. 3. 10.1080/23311886.2016.1276819.

  40. Hugh, Ryan. (2023, Sept 14). "How Dressing in Drag Was Labeled a Crime in the 20th Century." HISTORY.

  41. Jotanovic, Dejan. 2019.The problem when gay culture fetishises masculinity above all else.The Guardian.

  42. Keegan, Cáel m. (2016) History, Disrupted: The aesthetic gentrification of queer and trans cinema

  43. Krishnakumar, Jo; Menon, Annapurna (2022) Moving toward Radical Love in Organizing Spaces. TSQ 1 August 2022; 9 (3): 488–500

  44. Leitsch, D. (1969, Aug). Gay Riots in the Village. New York Mattachine Newsletter.

  45. Lewis, S., & Seresin, A. (2022). Fascist Feminism: A Dialogue. Transgender Studies Quarterly, 9(3), 463-479.

  46. Libby, C. (2022) Sympathy, Fear, Hate: Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism and Evangelical Christianity. TSQ 1; 9 (3): 425–442

  47. Lin, Tony. September 2021. Documentary. "How China’s Queer Youth Built an Underground Ballroom Scene." VICE NEWS.

  48. Lofton, Kathryn, (2022) Pulpit of Performative Reason. TSQ 1 August 2022; 9 (3): 443–459

  49. Madsen Evang, Jenny Andrine (2022) Is “Gender Ideology” Western Colonialism?: Anti-gender Rhetoric and the Misappropriation of Postcolonial Language. TSQ 1 August 2022; 9 (3): 365–386

  50. Morgensen, S. L. (2010). Settler homonationalism: Theorizing settler colonialism within queer modernities. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 16(1-2), 105-131.

  51. Mula, Rick and Law Fellow. Wonky Wednesday: Racism in Gay Online Dating.” National LGBTQ Task Force.

  52. Naber, N., Atshan, S. E., Awad, N., Mikdashi, M., Merabet, S., Abusalim, D., & Elia, N. (2018) On Palestinian studies and queer theory.

  53. Oifer, Eric. 2001. "The Sexuality of Gender: Gay Male Social Theories and Their Relations to Women". Social Thought & Research. 24 (1-2): 187-235.

  54. 邱愷欣 (2008). 「性」的手段,「非性」的目的 : 日本色情A片在台北之使用: Sexual means and nonsexual ends: the use of Japanese adult videos in Taipei. In 王向華 (Ed.), 媒介擬想 : 日本情色/華人慾望: Envisage : a journal book of Chinese media studies : Japanese pornography and Chinese desires (pp. 107-133). 遠流出版事業股份有限公司.

  55. Pruitt, S. (2023, 19 July). “What Happened at the Stonewall Riots? A Timeline of the 1969 Uprising.” History.

  56. "Queer Japan". 2020. Documentary.

  57. Sánchez, Francisco J., Stefanie T. Greenberg, William Ming Liu, and Eric Vilain. 2009. "Reported Effects of Masculine Ideals on Gay Men". Psychology of Men & Masculinity. 10 (1): 73-87.

    • “For instance, Bergling (2001) reported on gay men who rigidly enact traditional masculine ideals and experience a “fear” of effeminate gay men.”

    • “—“A site for [gay] guys that like sports, can change their own car’s oil, or just don’t fit the effeminate stereotype” (text taken from Website’s homepage)—offered an on-line discussion area where many posting revered traditional masculine ideals and expressed hostility towards effeminate gay men (see Clarkson, 2006).”

    • “However, most of the characteristics that are associated with masculinity and femininity are socially constructed. That is, social groups define what is and is not masculine and feminine. More specifically, scholars have noted that the dominant group typically defines what are appropriate behaviors for a given gender, and that subordination and marginalization of those who violate these norms are used to sustain the constructs (Connell, 2005).”

    • “For instance, one proposed component of traditional masculinity ideology is that men should be hypersexual and sexually objectify others (Mahalik et al., 2003). Sexual objectification of people—be it by a person or through media images—negatively affects the self-esteem and self-image of those who are objectified (Fredrickson, Roberts, Noll, Quinn, & Twenge, 1998; Martins, Tiggemann, & Kirkbride, 2007).”

  58. C. Heike Schotten (2022) TERFism, Zionism, and Right-Wing Annihilationism: Toward an Internationalist Genealogy of Extinction Phobia. TSQ 1 August 2022; 9 (3): 334–364.

  59. Shapiro, Eve. 2007. "Drag Kinging and the Transformation of Gender Identities". Gender & Society. 21 (2): 250-271.

  60. Shepard, B. H. (2001, May 1). The Queer/Gay Assimilationist Split; The Suits vs. the Sluts. Monthly Review. 53: 01.

  61. Sherrell, Zia. Kuehnle, Francis. Medical News Today Transmasculine: Definition, in practice, and more (2023)

  62. "‘Shinjuku Boys’, Stories from a Transgender Host Club: A 1995 documentary film interviews ‘onabe’ hosts, transitioning men who entertain female clients in Tokyo’s nightlife." (2021)

  63. Siodmak, Erin. 2018, "Homosexuals Are Revolting: Stonewall, 1969. Revolting New York: how 400 years of riot, rebellion, uprising, and revolution shaped a city."

  64. Stenel, Elyan. (2022). "Transnormativity and Trans(gender)nationalism through Transmasculine representation in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Fandom."

  65. (STAR) "Street transvestite action revolutionaries: survival, revolt, and queer antagonist struggle." 2006. UNTORELLI PRESS.

  66. "Takarazuka: The Interplay between All-female Musicals and Girls' Culture in Japan" (2022).

  67. Taylor, Verta, and Leila J. Rupp. 2005. "When the Girls Are Men: Negotiating Gender and Sexual Dynamics in a Study of Drag Queens". Signs. 30 (4): 2115-2139.

  68. "The Tretter Transgender Oral History Project" (2021). University of Minnesota.

  69. "The Queer Zine Archive Project" (2014)

  70. 'Trans Reads' (2022).

  71. Truscott IV, L. (1969, 3 July). "View from Outside: Gay Power Comes to Sheridan Square." The Village Voice. 3, 1-18.

  72. Village Alliance, (2023) "A Look at Black History in the Village"

  73. Walker, Rebecca (1992) Becoming the 3rd Wave (

  74. Wang, S., & Ding, R. (2022). “Business Inquiries are Welcome”: Sex Influencers and the Platformization of Non-normative Media on Twitter. Television & New Media.

  75. Ward, Jane. 2016. "Dyke Methods: A Meditation on Queer Studies and the Gay Men Who Hate It." Women's Studies Quarterly 44, no. 3/4 (2016): 68-85.

  76. Weiss, Jillian Todd. 2004. “GL vs. BT: The Archaeology of Biphobia and Transphobia within the U.S. Gay and Lesbian Community.” Journal of Bisexuality. January 15, 2004. Vol. 3: 25-55.

    • “As we have seen, the historical circumstances of the construction of homosexuality in the U.S. created power relations, which called both for a more inclusive grouping and, at the same time, for a more exclusive grouping. These power relations created the four different groups of which the homosexual community are composed, assigning them different identities, different resources, different spaces in the political sphere. It is these social constructions that created the environment for identity politics within the homosexual community. To the extent that this identity politics has created prejudice and discrimination within the community”

    • “Gays and lesbians campaigned for acceptance by suggesting that they were “just like you,” but with the single (but extremely significant) exception of partners of the same sex. This fueled the tensions between accomodationist tendencies in the gay/lesbian community and gender ambiguity. It was perceived that gender ambiguity (echoing the Greek disdain for passivity) that channeled the stigma of illegitimacy. It was not surprising, therefore, that some homosexuals sought to lessen the stigma of homosexuality by rejecting the stigma of “inappropriate” gendered behavior.”

  77. Yaling, Jiang. (2022). "China’s ‘Anti-Sissy’ Campaign Unleashes a Wave of Online Transphobia: A growing number of transgender Chinese were finding success as social media influencers. Then came a crackdown on “sissy” men." Sixth Tone.

  78. Yamada, Hidenobu (2022) GID as an Acceptable Minority; or, The Alliance between Moral Conservatives and “Gender Critical” Feminists in Japan. TSQ 1 August 2022; 9 (3): 501–506

  79. Zanghellini, A. (2020). Philosophical Problems With the Gender-Critical Feminist Argument Against Trans Inclusion. SAGE Open.

  80. Zhao, Jamie J. (2022) "Queer Chinese Media and Pop Culture." Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. Oxford University Press.

[ LAST UPDATED: December 5th, 2024 ]

These resources were compiled to provide a hub of legitimate sources for the benefit of Anglophone (English-speaking) fan research and education. Asian sources (BL companies, BL scholars, etc.) and professional global academic resources are prioritized. Resources here include information about Queer History, Women's history topics that correlate with BL, Fujoshi, Fudanshi, Geikomi, Boys Love, Danmei, Yaoi, and the ethics of consuming fictional media and behavioral studies.

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